Kubota Store


Art direction & Design Lead

Kubota Store


Art direction & Design Lead

Kubota Store


Art direction & Design Lead

Kubota Store


Art direction & Design Lead

bringing an iconic footwear. brand back to life

bringing an iconic footwear. brand back to life

bringing an iconic footwear. brand back to life

bringing an iconic footwear. brand back to life


Kubota is a brand that has been forgotten for some time, and together with the team we have rebuilt its image and made it recognisable to 70% of people in a country of 40 million people.

The Process

Building consistent communication

Over the last four years we have built up a very coherent communication in all media, both digital and traditional, our activities have led to the company being listed on the stock exchange and up to EUR 5 million in annual revenue.

Creative approach

Kubota is a brand that is active and has a statement, we are socially active, we get involved in various campaigns, we support organisations, we show that brands have a voice in important matters and can be not only a product but also a statement - we build around the insight Kubota is not flip-flops, it is a lifestyle.